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trail rules & etiquette



These rules, regulations, and proper etiquette guidelines are meant to help make our trail rides safer and more enjoyable for everyone.  If we all follow them, then everyone on the ride will know what to expect from their fellow riders and Trail Bosses.


  1. Stay on the trail, between the Trail Boss and the Drag Rider.  Do not leave the ride, or trail, without notifying the Trail Boss or the Drag Rider.

  2. Do not take short cuts.  Trails can only be kept open and useable by their proper use, short cuts help defeat this purpose.  Heavy rains follow the ruts (made by “shortcuts”) downhill and wash out the regular trail.  Do not hold onto branches when you go through brush or trees, they may whip back into the face of another rider.

  3. While on the trail, keep up the pace.  Do not race or run your horse past other horses.  Don’t break into a trot or gallop at the bottom of a hill if there is another rider behind you.  Do not lag behind.  If your horse needs a rest, notify the Trail Boss or the Drag Rider.

  4. If you want to pass another horse and rider, ask their permission to do so.  As they pull over to let you pass, proceed at a walk or jog trot.

  5. While on the trail, maintain a reasonable safe distance between your horse and the horse in front of you.  One horse length should be enough.  When horses are crowded, they may kick or bite.  When riding up or down hills and/or on narrow trails, try to keep at least two horse lengths apart.  If you tailgate and you or your horse get kicked, it is your fault.

  6. At rest breaks or lunch stops if you want to tie your horse, they should be tied by a halter and lead line short enough so that they cannot get down to roll and secure enough so that they cannot break away and cause trouble.  Do not tie too close to another horse.  Tie to a fixed object not likely to break or scare the horse if it pulls back.

  7. Never smoke while riding.  Smoke only at designated smoke stops called by the Trail Boss.  Riders will make absolutely sure their cigarette/cigar is extinguished and either buried or contained otherwise when through.  Never throw trash on the ground.  You carry it in, you carry it out.  Always leave a trail as clean or cleaner than you found it.

  8. At watering places, be considerate of other riders.  It is natural for a horse to want to drink when they see water, restrain them.  Do not crowd the horse ahead of you that is drinking.  Let them finish and then take your turn.  When watering at a stream, do not let your horse jump in and muddy the water.  If another rider pulls over to water their horse at a stream and you want to pass them, do so on the downstream side.

  9. Do not stop on narrow trails, especially ledge trails or at the top of a hill.  The Trail Boss will try not to stop unless it is safe for all riders.

  10. At no time will anyone be allowed to neglect or abuse their horse.  As members of Los Caballos riding club, we are dedicated to the “horse”.  We must practice proper horsemanship and conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times.

  11. When on the trail, if questions arise or problems present themselves, they should be brought to the attention of the Trail Boss or the Drag Rider.  Concerning the safety and comfort of everyone on the trail, these persons are the ultimate authority and will have the final say in all matters!

  12. For the safety of all riders, no dogs or stallions will be allowed on Los Caballos trail rides.

  13. Los Caballos members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and must be on any ride that the guest attends.  The member is responsible for their guest(s) knowing these rules and must make sure that their guest(s) fill out and sign a waiver agreement/ release of liability form prior to the beginning of the ride.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!





club rides


Club rides are held the last Sunday of every month.

We ride a variety of trails from San Diego Imperial Beach to Cuyamaca camping to Eagle Rock to Chihuahua Valley to Idyllwild to Palm Canyon and more!


Want to join us on a ride as a guest or visitor?

If you would like to join us and are not a member, you will need to fill out the Release Form below as well as bring $5.00 fee for insurance. Please contact us in advance for ride details.








            Know your horse

            Take care of your horse

            Be considerate of others

            Stay on trails

            Enjoy yourself




            Smoke except in designated areas


            Chase cattle or wildlife

            Leave gates open

            Spoil the ride for others





            Bare back riding

            Riding double (except young child with adult)






            Check all tack carefully before starting a ride.

            Check tack again after first 20 minutes of ride.

            Carry a halter and lead rope at all times.

            Tie halter and lead rope to an object that is solid.  Tie high and tie short.

            Place a red ribbon on the tail of your horse it it’s a known kicker.

            Place a green ribbon on the tail of your horse if you or you horse is a novice.

            If you have a medical condition, please be responsible and have your medications that you might need with you.

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